Payroll Funding/Factoring for Staffing Firms

Payroll Funding is an innovative, flexible way to propel your staffing firm's growth.

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Welcome to Dune Funding
Improve Your Cash Flow with Fast Cash Funding

We are a dedicated team of financial experts committed to helping staffing firms achieve their financial goals

Payroll Funding: Turn Your Outstanding Invoices Into Cash

With payroll funding, Dune Funding purchases your accounts receivables and provides immediate cash by advancing you up to 80% of the invoice amount in as little as 24 hours. Never worry about making payroll again and keep your employees happy.

We handle the collection for you, that way you can focus on what's important, growing your business.

What is Payroll Funding/Factoring & How Does it Work?

Invoice Factoring is a financial solution where a business sells its account receivables in exchange for immediate cash.
Dune Funding offers our clients the ability to make payroll before their clients pay, instead of waiting.
We advance you the funds you need now, then once the invoice is paid, we apply it to your borrowed amount and release the remainder minus our fees. We fund our clients daily, so you'll never be in a cash crunch again.

What are the Benefits of Payroll Funding?

Improve Your Cash Flow
Immediate funding means you never have to freeze hiring or turn down new clients or projects due to payroll costs. You have the cash to grow your business in any way you want
Low Fees
We offer some of the lowest fees in the market, you can pass these onto your client through billing or bear the cost yourself, either way we pride ourselves on low, transparent fees so your profit margin stays high
Quick, Flexible Funding
Funding takes less than 24 hours from the point we receive an invoice, so you'll never be in a cash pinch again
Non-Recourse Funding
Never stress about non-payments, we help push collections and if there is an issue, we work with you so no additional money has to come out of your pocket
Advance Rates up to 80% Upfront
Take the pressure off making payroll and keeping your employees happy
Custom Reports & Analytics
We track payment analytics, so you have real-time insights at your fingertips, varying from General Customer Summaries to Average Days to Pay Reports, these reports help us proactively identify issues before they happen
Credit Research
Understand risk and improve decision making when it comes to working with new clients, effectively decreasing the chances of default
Client Flexibility
Increased cash flow means you can give your clients more leeway when it comes to invoice payment terms without any extra strain on your business, therefore improving client relationships

Is Invoice Funding a Fit for my Business?

If you answer YES to any of these questions, contact us today to get started.

  • Is your business a staffing agency, recruitment agency or providing temporary workers?
  • Do you consistently struggle to make payroll?
  • Do you give your clients Net30-90 day payment terms?
  • Is a traditional bank loan unattainable or have undesirable restrictions?
  • Are you looking to grow your business and need cash to do so?
  • Are you ready to make a change so your business runs more efficiently & focus on what matters?

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Contact Us to Improve Your Cash Flow with Fast Cash Funding

Embark on a journey to financial security, growth, and success. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our certified financial experts. Your financial future begins here.

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